Nepal endorsed and published the ‘National Adolescent Health and Development (NAHD) Strategy in 2000. An implementation guideline on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) was developed in 2007 to support district health managers in operationalizing this strategy. In 2008, a draft national ASRH program was developed with the support of GIZ. This program was successfully piloted in 2009 in 26 public health facilities. Based on the findings from the pilot intervention, a National ASRH Program was designed in 2011 which consists of 4 different orientation manuals for district health managers, district stakeholders, health service providers and Health Facility Operation and Management Committees (HFOMCs)/local stakeholders.
National ASRH program is being gradually scaled up and has been able to meet the NHSP II target of making 1,000 public health facilities adolescent-friendly by 2015. The criteria of adolescent-friendly services (AFS) include, among others, the availability of trained staff as well as information materials on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, the delivery of services in a confidential way, adolescent-friendly opening hours, the display of the AFS logo as well as the inclusion of two adolescents in the HFOMC. By end of 2071/72, a total of 1140 health facilities in 63 districts are providing adolescent-friendly services (AFS) in support of different stakeholders (UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO,GIZ, Save the Children, IPAS and ADRA).
The ASRH secretariat located at Family Health Division supported by Save the Children Nepal and an ASRH sub-committee meeting are well functioning for facilitating effective implementation of adolescent health program in the country.
The overall goal of the National ASRH Program is to promote the sexual and reproductive health status of adolescents.
· To increase the availability of and access to quality information on adolescent health and development, and provide opportunities to build the respective knowledge and skills of adolescents, service providers and educators.
· To increase accessibility and utilization of adolescent health and counseling services.
· To create safe and supportive environment for adolescents in order to improve their legal, social and economic status, and
· To create awareness through BCC campaigns and at national, districts and community level through FCHVs and mothers groups.